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演讲主题: “Do nothing! When Managerial Inaction is Smart”

Should CEOs ever let their firms fail? We examine several cases where organizations were

faced with changing competitive landscapes.  For each case we relate long term performance

to the extent in which existing capabilities, in particular sales and marketing,

manufacturing, intellectual property and R&D capabilities, transferred to the new

environment. We then apply the framework to a broader set of firms. We conclude that some

firms best strategic option is exit and that we can identify clues as to when this is the

case ex-ante. 

演讲嘉宾:Dr. Brent Goldfarb,美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院

日期:2014年1月9日 (周四)
时间:晚上7时至 8时30分
地点:北京长安俱乐部9层 太和一厅      会场提供免费茶点
地址:北京东长安街10号 (地铁一号线王府井站下)

注册报名请致电:010-64496050 或发送邮件至uibembacenter@hotmail.com进行申请。

Dr. Brent Goldfarb is Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship in the M&O Department at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. Goldfarb's research focuses on how the production and exchange of technology differs from more traditional economic goods, with a focus on the implications on the role of startups in the economy. He focuses on such questions as how do markets and employer policies affect incentives to discover new commercially valuable technologies and when is it best to commercialize them through new technology-based firms? Why do radical technologies appear to be the domain of startups? And how big was the dot.com boom? Copies of Dr. Goldfarb's publications and working papers have been downloaded over 1200 times.

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