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Welcome Messages to the New Cohort on Orientation Day

Dear 2017 EMBA executives, 


It’s my great pleasure to welcome you all to the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, Global leadership EMBA program! 



The enrolled executive students in this new cohort are from companies involved in sectors ranging from manufacturing and TMT to healthcare and consulting, from FMCG to shipping. 34 percent of them hold graduate degrees, and some of them are even PhD holder. In terms of seniority, we have more C-suite level executives than ever. On behalf of the Smith School faculty and staff members, we could not be more privileged to have you join this vibrant EMBA program. 


The Smith School’s mission is to create knowledge, promote a learning environment that fosters intellectual discovery, and equip current and future leaders to assess complex problems and deliver innovative solutions.  At Smith School, we do the right things, the right way.  We embrace challenges and opportunities. We have a collective passion for excellence.


The University of Maryland’s strategic plan, “Equal to the Best,” sets forth a vision of an institution unmatched in its capacity to create knowledge and to prepare future business leaders. The strategic plan charts a roadmap to expand Smith’s footprints globally for the EMBA program.  Under the leadership of Dean Alex Triantis, and driven by the pursuit of excellence, the Smith School has enjoyed a remarkable rise in accomplishment and reputationin China over the past four years. We have more staff members in our China rep. office, we have greater responsibilities, and we have more executive students who have joined our program. This shows the commitment the school has made to China. We will capitalize on our momentum and fully exploit our competitive advantages and pursue ambitious goals with entrepreneurial spirit. 


马里兰EMBA 2017年新生开学日

马里兰EMBA 2017级开学

马里兰EMBA 2017年新生上课

I joined the Smith EMBA program five years ago, and I hope you are as excited as I have been to enter this lively, challenging and warm community.  My experience with Smith has taught me that we have both made an excellent choice!  As a Smith EMBA alum, I would suggest you to leverage our University’s greatest resource - the incredibly talented faculty. These scholars are world-class and leaders in their areas of expertise, they will be your guides and allies on your EMBA journey. So get to know your professors, talk to them after class, engage them in your group discussions, they truly will elevate you to a new level and open doors to new possibilities. 


马里兰EMBA 2017年新生开学日

As you embark on the incredible journey that will truly help bring out the fearless leadership potential in you, I want you to know that the entire Smith community is here to support, sustain and encourage you as you commit to study here. Our China rep. office serves as a hub for China EMBA students and alumni to connect with our home campus in College Park, to ensure every student has a thorough and cohesive learning experience. The Smith School offers an immense array of opportunities to create a truly global alumni network platform. Our Smith China office will host various alumni networking functions throughout the year, so please take as many opportunities as possible to reach out and get to know our alumni, to seize new opportunities and possibilities, and to make more friends.  I hope 18 months later from now, at your graduation commencement, you will come to me and tell me all the skills you’ve acquired at Smith School, how it has made a great impact to your career development, and how this program is worth all the endeavors.

马里兰EMBA 2017年新生开学日讲话

马里兰EMBA 2017年新生领导发言
马里兰EMBA 2017年迎新晚宴
2017马里兰EMBA 迎新晚宴
马里兰EMBA 2017年迎新晚宴


Go terps!

马里兰EMBA 2017年开学典礼




Executive Director

China Representative Office

Robert H. Smith School of Business

University of Maryland

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