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    2014年4月13日上午10点美国马里兰大学EMBA 项目开始一堂EMBA 试听课。您将亲历来自美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院教授的授课,并有机会和学生进行交流,我们相信通过这次试听课,您对美国马里兰大学领导力 EMBA 项目会有更直观的体会,这也将帮助您决定是否通过 EMBA 课程的学习推动您的职业朝着您期望的方向发展。

课程名称:Data  Mining
授课老师:Kislaya  Prasad 博士
时间:4 月 13 日(周日)上午 10 点至 12 点 00 分
地点:北京朝阳区惠新东街 10 号 对外经贸大学 (靠近学校东门)

预约方式: 关注公众微信
招生办电话 010-6449 6050
Dr. Prasad is a Research Professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He received his Ph.D. in Economics and M.S. in Computer Science from Syracuse University. Previous positions include Professor of Economics at Florida State University andResearch Officer at the University of Cambridge. His principal research focus is on the computability and complexity of individual decisions and economic equilibrium, innovation and diffusion of technology, and social influences on economic behavior. His research has been published in leading economic journals such asJournal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Mathematical Economics, International Journal of Game Theory, and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Current projects include medical treatment variations and diffusion of technologies in medicine, complexity of choice under uncertainty, and experimental tests of contract theory. His research is currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Prasad is also a Guest Scholar at the Center on Social and Economic Dynamics, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
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