授课老师:Zhi-Long Chen博士
时 间:2月14日(周六)上午10点至12点
地 点:对外经贸大学科研楼(靠近学校东门)
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Dr. Zhi-Long hen received his PhD degree in Operations Researchfrom Princeton University in 1997.
Dr. Chen taught for 4 years as an assistantprofessor at University of Pennsylvania prior to his current appointment at the Smith School.His research interests cover supply chain scheduling and coordination,routing/scheduling of logistics operations, and capacity and technologyplanning. He has published over 30 journal articles in these areas. Dr. Chen iscurrently conducting a NSF funded research project on integrated production anddistribution operations, and working closely with industry on various projectsin the areas of supply chain optimization and pricing. He is currently servingas an associate editor of IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics,a flagship journal of Institute of Industrial Engineers.Dr. Chen has taught a number of undergraduate and graduate courses onoptimization, logistics, scheduling, supply chain management, and operationsmanagement. He received excellent teaching evaluations for most of the courseshe has taught at the Smith School.
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